lunes, 16 de abril de 2007

As everybody knows, all around the world are many cultures and each one of them has his own celebration. now i am going to talk you about one of my favorite celebrations of all, and this are the indian festivals.
There are festivals in celebration of the wind, the rain, the fire, animal forms and other animate and inanimate objects. The sun is eclipsed and for millions of people it calls for a holy dip. The moon reaches its full glory and the event calls for a feast. The rain-laden clouds come, to remind you of Lord Indra. Since it does not rain, nor do crops ripen at the same time all over this land, you will find the same occasion celebrated at different places at different times
sábado, 14 de abril de 2007

Hello everybody: My name is Rodolfo Finol, I´m 17 years old and I am from
I´m doing this because I have to, I need to be honest with you I dislike to do homework specially English.Well During the english course we studied some units about food ( likes or dislikes), the second part of our couse was about our habilities & talents, and the third part was about hollidays and directions. During our course we also learn how to use propertly verbs and auxiliars with thei conjugation in past, and how to use many other words.